Show Hidden Facelets
(back view)

This page uses a modified version of AnimCube to show the hidden facelets with a back view.

The following shows the AnimCube mods for use with a web page having two cubes with ids c1 and c2 in a combined cube area with id ca1 as shown above.
  1. In function init, set initial position for second cube:
    if ( == 'c2')
      initialPosition = 'rrdddddddddd';
  2. In function paint, disable display of the progress/buttonbar for second cube. Add the following prior to code that displays the progressbar:
    if ( == 'c2')
  3. In function mousedown:
    1. Use combined cube area for rotation by changing the declaration of rect as shown:
      var rect = document.getElementById('ca1').getBoundingClientRect();
    2. Change width to width*2 in this line:
      if (x < left || x > left + width / dpr ||
    3. Add the following after line: "mouseIsDown = true;":
      mousedownId =;
      if (mousedownId != 'c1' && mousedownId != 'c2')
        mousedownId = 'c1';
      note: also declare global variable mousedownId

    4. Prevent progressbar from working beyond the display area by adding the following before line: "if (clickProgress)":
      if (lastX > width)
  4. In function mousemove, reverse direction of cube rotation for Y movements for second cube:
    var dir = ( == mousedownId) ? 1 : -1;
    vNorm(vAdd(eye, vScale(vCopy(eyeD, eyeY), dy * 0.016 * dir)));
