Modern 3D JavaScript Simulator for Animating the Rubik's Cube

AnimCubeJS (formerly AnimCube)

AnimCube created by Josef Jelínek (2001 - 2004)

AnimCubeJS created by Michael Feather (old versions: 2015 - 2019, current version: 2021)

AnimCubeJS 4x4x4 - 7x7x7 3D graphics core improvement by Marcelo Falcão de Oliveira (2023)


Purpose of this simulator:

Main features of this simulator:

Note: Native anti-aliasing was not used in the original AnimCube Java applet because it was not generally supported by the web browsers back then. Nowadays, modern web browsers are using native anti-aliasing in order to draw smoother facelet edges.

Note: To make this simulator work you need a JavaScript-enabled web browser. JavaScript in your web browser is currently


The program is classified as freeware and you can use the cube simulator in your web pages. In order to do so, download one (or more) of the files below. Supercubes are included by default.

2x2x2 AnimCubeJS simulator .zip file (12 kB)

3x3x3 AnimCubeJS simulator .zip file (13 kB)

4x4x4 AnimCubeJS simulator .zip file (13 kB)

5x5x5 AnimCubeJS simulator .zip file (13 kB)

6x6x6 AnimCubeJS simulator .zip file (14 kB)

7x7x7 AnimCubeJS simulator .zip file (14 kB)

You can choose from 2 different versions of AnimCubeJS. Click on the button below for details.

Notable differences between the current and the old version of AnimCubeJS:

  1. Vanilla JS is used in the current version, GWT & Apache Ant are used in the old version to generate AnimCubeJS script.

  2. AnimCubeJS script is only loaded once in the current version, loading a file for each cube to be displayed is needed in the old version.

  3. Div & script are used to display a cube in the current version, iframe is used to display a cube in the old version.

  4. No cube.html or mouse.js files are needed in the current version, cube.html is needed (mouse.js is optional) in the old version.

  5. Simulators work offline by default when using HTML buttons to manipulate the cube as long as .txt configuration file is not used in the current version, simulators do not work offline by default when using HTML buttons to manipulate the cube in the old version (regardless of whether configuration file is used or not).

  6. Not all parameters and parameter values are supported in the old version as opposed to the current version.

Another difference is that the old documentation is using bLazy script to lazy-load the simulators. Although not necessary, you can still use bLazy in the current version. Here's how:

bLazy notes
  With the current AnimCubeJS version there is no need to load a file for each
  cube to be displayed on a web-page, it only takes a function call to 
  render a cube.  Optimally, bLazy (or other software) would have an option
  for calling a function as opposed to loading a file. However, an alternative 
  is to make a file that calls the function, the following shows an 
  implementation using file callAnimCube3.js:

  <div style="width:200px; height:200px">
    <script class="b-lazy" data-src="callAnimCube3.js?param=value&..." async></script>

  There is one additional requirement, the following CSS is on the bLazy
  demo page and without it the script loading does not work:

  .b-lazy, video {

  The above CSS causes problems when used with animcubejs.html so this
  modification can be used instead:

  .b-lazy {display:inline-block; height:1px; width:1px;}

  The "wrap" div, which eliminates page scrolling while rotating the cube
  on mobile devices, can be used used with the "container" option as shown:

  <script>var bLazy = new Blazy({container:'#wrap'})</script>

  For IE11 to work with AnimCubeJS/bLazy, it must have the following
  third-party software included in the web-page which provides backward
  compatibility for older browsers:

  <script src="currentScript.js"></script>

  if (document.currentScript != null)

/* This file is included for use with AnimCubeJS to provide backward
   compatibility for IE11 when using bLazy. A limitation of
   currentScript.js is that each parameter list (i.e. the part after
   callAnimCube3.js?) must be unique to display cubes properly.
   To use, include in web-page as shown:
   <script src="currentScript.js"></script>

// Source:

// document.currentScript polyfill by Adam Miller

// The MIT License (MIT)
(function (document) {
  var currentScript = 'currentScript';

  // If browser needs currentScript polyfill, add get currentScript() to the document object
  if (!(currentScript in document)) {
    Object.defineProperty(document, currentScript, {
      get: function () {
        // IE 8-10 support script readyState
        // IE 11+ support stack trace
        try {
          throw new Error();
        catch (err) {
          // Find the second match for the "at" string to get file src url from stack.
          // Specifically works with the format of stack traces in IE.
          var i = 0,
            stackDetails = (/.*at [^(]*\((.*):(.+):(.+)\)$/ig).exec(err.stack),
            scriptLocation = (stackDetails && stackDetails[1]) || false,
            line = (stackDetails && stackDetails[2]) || false,
            currentLocation = document.location.href.replace(document.location.hash, ''),
            scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); // Live NodeList collection

          if (scriptLocation === currentLocation) {
            pageSource = document.documentElement.outerHTML;
            inlineScriptSourceRegExp = new RegExp('(?:[^\\n]+?\\n){0,' + (line - 2) + '}[^<]*<script>([\\d\\D]*?)<\\/script>[\\d\\D]*', 'i');
            inlineScriptSource = pageSource.replace(inlineScriptSourceRegExp, '$1').trim();

          for (; i < scripts.length; i++) {
            // If ready state is interactive, return the script tag
            if (scripts[i].readyState === 'interactive') {
              return scripts[i];

            // If src matches, return the script tag
            if (scripts[i].src === scriptLocation) {
              return scripts[i];

            // If inline source matches, return the script tag
            if (
              scriptLocation === currentLocation &&
              scripts[i].innerHTML &&
              scripts[i].innerHTML.trim() === inlineScriptSource
            ) {
              return scripts[i];

          // If no match, return null
          return null;

Safari notes
  With the current AnimCubeJS version, the ms-windows version of Safari (5.1)
  does not work with bLazy because it is missing the currentScript function
  which became available starting with version 8 as can be seen here:

  There are two other possible solutions:

  1. bLazy (or other software) could provide an option for calling a
     function instead of loading a file which would eliminate the need for
     the currentScript function

  2. The third-party software "currentScript.js", which currently does not
     work for Safari 5.1, could be modified


  Safari 5.1 is missing the function requestAnimationFrame so third-party
  software "requestAnimationFrame.js" can be used to provide
  backward compatibility. To use, include in web-page as shown:

  <script src="requestAnimationFrame.js"></script>

  The requestAnimationFrame function became available starting with
  version 6 as can be seen here:

/* This file is included for use with AnimCubeJS to provide backward 
   compatibility for Safari v5.1 (in ms-windows). To use, include 
   in web-page as shown:
   <script src="requestAnimationFrame.js"></script>


// requestAnimationFrame polyfill by Erik Möller. fixes from Paul Irish and Tino Zijdel

// MIT license

(function() {
    var lastTime = 0;
    var vendors = ['ms', 'moz', 'webkit', 'o'];
    for(var x = 0; x < vendors.length && !window.requestAnimationFrame; ++x) {
        window.requestAnimationFrame = window[vendors[x]+'RequestAnimationFrame'];
        window.cancelAnimationFrame = window[vendors[x]+'CancelAnimationFrame'] 
                                   || window[vendors[x]+'CancelRequestAnimationFrame'];
    if (!window.requestAnimationFrame)
        window.requestAnimationFrame = function(callback, element) {
            var currTime = new Date().getTime();
            var timeToCall = Math.max(0, 16 - (currTime - lastTime));
            var id = window.setTimeout(function() { callback(currTime + timeToCall); }, 
            lastTime = currTime + timeToCall;
            return id;
    if (!window.cancelAnimationFrame)
        window.cancelAnimationFrame = function(id) {

Developers can download the GitHub repository containing both minified and unminified JS files (minification was done using this tool, terser v5.34.1 to be specific) as well as the source code and documentation for both AnimCubeJS versions.


Controls of the simulator are quite intuitive. You can rotate the whole cube as well as twist separate layers using mouse (finger in the case of a touch screen). To twist separated layer, pick one and use dragging in natural direction (with the left mouse button being pressed). To rotate the whole cube, use the right mouse button or drag from a near point outside the cube image (the latter option is also applicable to touch screens). The possibility to twist a layer can be disabled in a web page, then only the whole-cube rotation is allowed. You can control the animation by buttons in the button bar. Animation can be immediately set to any position using the progress bar (if present) just above the button bar (which can be reduced or totally hidden).

The progress bar consists of two components, namely:

  1. background / trough (with a surrounding border)
  2. slider (part that moves)

Animation can be applied more times, as well as interleaved with direct manipulation to allow a user to experiment if he/she wants to. Unless otherwise stated, the first button (Rewind) always clears the current cube rotation, twisted layers, mirroring and executed turns (if applicable) to the simulator's initial configuration. The middle button has two purposes: when the animation is playing, it will stop it; when the animation is stopped, it mirrors the cube view to allow a user to experiment with symmetrical cases. The cube can be rotated by mouse / finger even if the animation is started. If you press a button in the middle of an animated layer twist, the twist is finished immediately and the new requested action is started.

In the Enhancement section you will find how to activate keyboard input to enter moves by typing letters. You can also duplicate the functionality of the button bar using JavaScript buttons.

Using Simulator in Web Pages

  <!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src="AnimCube3.js"></script>

    <div style="width:200px; height:219px">


The result of the code above can be seen here. Explanation in detail follows below.

To use the simulator in your own web pages, start by adding the following line to the HTML head section.

<script src="AnimCubeX.js"></script>

Note: In the code above, replace "X" by the cube size you downloaded - e.g. AnimCube2.js means the 2x2x2 simulator will be displayed, AnimCube7.js means the 7x7x7 simulator will be displayed.

Next, add the following code in the HTML file to the place where you want the simulator to be displayed. Do not forget to replace "X" there as well.

<div class="cube" style="width:160px; height:179px">

Optionally, add the following line to your CSS.

.cube {display: inline-block;}

Make sure to declare parameters as follows: name=value, and separate parameter declarations with & symbol.

Extract downloaded .zip file to see the AnimCubeX.js file.

Make sure to include the source AnimCubeX.js file in the directory/folder referenced in the HTML head section of your web page.

Cube's (div's) width and height are arbitrary and can be flexibly adjusted. For the best appearance the height should be equal to width + value of the button height + 6 (6 being the height of the progress bar) if the button bar is displayed, and width if the button bar is hidden or only the Rewind button is displayed. The button height is configurable, default value of it is 13 pixels.

Examples for cubes with the button bar:

Width  Height  Height
-----  ------  ------
 181     13     200
 200     13     219
 277     17     300
 300     17     323
  1. The "best appearance" recommendation above maximizes the magnification of the cube for a given width which also minimizes the space around the cube inside the div (from which a rotation can be initiated).

  2. With regard to customizing, increasing the width (from "best appearance" recommendation above) widens the button bar and also the amount of space around the cube inside the div, while maintaining the same magnification of the cube.

  3. If the width is already wider than the "best appearance" recommendation above (as in width = height for example) then increasing the (div's) height will increase the magnification of the cube until height = width + button height + 6, at which point further increases in height no longer increase the magnification of the cube but instead add space above & below the cube inside the div.

Examples: The following two simulators are showing the intro-simulator (not in demo mode) with different aspect ratios (width and height).

First cube (div) has the following attribute: style="width:250px; height:150px", second cube (div) has the following attribute: style="width:150px; height:250px".

You can also use percent units to set the div's width, which might keep a bigger area of control buttons resulting in more comfortable tapping on mobile devices. The cube (div) below has the following attribute: style="width:100%; height:150px". See a different approach for implementing fully responsive-layout cubes as outlined in the Enhancement section.

Next sections are describing all parameters and their possible values. Every parameter is optional so the simplest possible call is made using <script>AnimCubeX("")</script> (i.e. with no parameters at all).


There are 46 customizable parameters. They are listed below in the order corresponding to their occurrence in the documentation. The best way to understand their meaning is to experiment with example simulators provided in the description of each parameter.

AnimCubeJS Configuration Tool is a nice and easy way for creating simulators with the desired functionality. By declaring parameters online (it actually works even offline) you can build a simulator and then share it using a URL link.

parameter name: align | value: 0 - 99
parameter name: bgcolor | value: hexadecimal color
parameter name: borderwidth | value: 0 - 20
parameter name: butbgcolor | value: hexadecimal color
parameter name: buttonbar | value: 0 - 2
parameter name: buttonheight | value: 9 - 25
parameter name: clickprogress | value: 0 or 1
parameter name: colors | value: hexadecimal color string
parameter name: colorscheme | value: 6 color codes
parameter name: config | value: .txt file
parameter name: counter | value: 0 or 1
parameter name: cubecolor | value: hexadecimal color
parameter name: demo | value: string from move character set, random or #
parameter name: doublespeed | value: natural number
parameter name: edit | value: 0 or 1
parameter name: facelets | value: string of color codes
parameter name: fonttype | value: 0 or 1
parameter name: gabbacolors | value: 0 or 1
parameter name: hint | value: natural number
parameter name: hintborder | value: 0 or 1
parameter name: hinthoriz | value: decimal number greater than 0
parameter name: hintvert | value: decimal number greater than 0
parameter name: initmove | value: string from move character set, random or #
parameter name: initrevmove | value: string from move character set, random or #
parameter name: metric | value: 0 - 3
parameter name: move | value: string from move character set or random
parameter name: movetext | value: 0 - 6 (for 3x3x3 only, other cube sizes: 0, 1, 5 or 6)
parameter name: movetextspace | value: 0 or 1
parameter name: perspective | value: natural number
parameter name: pos | value: string of Lars Petrus' color codes
parameter name: position | value: R, U, F, L, D and/or B string
parameter name: randmoves | value: natural number
parameter name: repeat | value: 0 or 1
parameter name: scale | value: natural number
parameter name: scramble | value: 0 - 2
parameter name: scw | value: 0 - 2
parameter name: sign | value: 0 or 1
parameter name: slidercolor | value: hexadecimal color
parameter name: snap | value: 0 or 1
parameter name: speed | value: natural number
parameter name: supercube | value: 0 or 1
parameter name: superfacelets | value: 0 - 3 string
parameter name: textsize | value: 5 - 40
parameter name: troughcolor | value: hexadecimal color
parameter name: wca | value: 0 or 1
parameter name: yz | value: 0 or 1

parameter name: config | value: .txt file
parameter name: bgcolor | value: hexadecimal color
parameter name: cubecolor | value: hexadecimal color
parameter name: butbgcolor | value: hexadecimal color
parameter name: slidercolor | value: hexadecimal color
parameter name: troughcolor | value: hexadecimal color
parameter name: clickprogress | value: 0 or 1
parameter name: snap | value: 0 or 1
parameter name: buttonbar | value: 0 - 2
parameter name: buttonheight | value: 9 - 25
parameter name: repeat | value: 0 or 1
parameter name: edit | value: 0 or 1
parameter name: speed | value: natural number
parameter name: doublespeed | value: natural number
parameter name: position | value: R, U, F, L, D and/or B string
parameter name: scale | value: natural number
parameter name: align | value: 0 - 99
parameter name: hint | value: natural number
parameter name: hinthoriz | value: decimal number greater than 0
parameter name: hintvert | value: decimal number greater than 0
parameter name: hintborder | value: 0 or 1
parameter name: perspective | value: natural number
parameter name: borderwidth | value: 0 - 20
parameter name: move | value: string from move character set or random
parameter name: movetext | value: 0 - 6 (for 3x3x3 only, other cube sizes: 0, 1, 5 or 6)
parameter name: movetextspace | value: 0 or 1
parameter name: yz | value: 0 or 1
parameter name: sign | value: 0 or 1
parameter name: wca | value: 0 or 1
parameter name: initmove | value: string from move character set, random or #
parameter name: initrevmove | value: string from move character set, random or #
parameter name: demo | value: string from move character set, random or #
parameter name: metric | value: 0 - 3
parameter name: counter | value: 0 or 1
parameter name: fonttype | value: 0 or 1
parameter name: textsize | value: 5 - 40
parameter name: facelets | value: string of color codes
parameter name: colorscheme | value: 6 color codes
parameter name: colors | value: hexadecimal color string
parameter name: pos | value: string of Lars Petrus' color codes
parameter name: supercube | value: 0 or 1
parameter name: superfacelets | value: 0 - 3 string
parameter name: scw | value: 0 - 2
parameter name: gabbacolors | value: 0 or 1
parameter name: scramble | value: 0 - 2
parameter name: randmoves | value: natural number

config parameter

This parameter may simplify page maintenance and enables a user to modify behavior of multiple simulators in a page by the modification of one configuration file.

The config parameter takes the file name (with a .txt suffix) as a value. The file location has to be specified relative to the location of the HTML document that uses it. This restriction is set to unify the functionality on both internet and local locations. The file format is simple. It consists of lines, each specifying chosen value of a particular parameter. Each line starts with the parameter name followed by the equal sign "=" and the rest of line contains the parameter value. White-space characters can be used to surround the parameter name and value. All values specified in the configuration file can be overwritten by simulator parameters declared in the HTML document (web page). That is, simulator parameters declared in the web page are prioritized over the parameters specified in the configuration file.

Example: AnimCube3("config=AnimCube3.txt") sets all parameters to the ones found in the file "AnimCube3.txt". The file contents can be of the following form:


These settings set some of the background colors and enable text displaying for all simulators with this config parameter. The following first two simulators have only six parameters declared (config, colorscheme, move, initrevmove, snap and buttonheight), and differ only in the move parameter values. The third simulator has the same parameters and values as the first one, except for missing the config parameter.

Note: The configuration file name used to have a .cfg suffix in the original AnimCube Java applet documentation. Here, the .txt suffix has been chosen as an alternative to demonstrate that there is no requirement that the configuration file extension must be .cfg. You should be able to see the contents of the "AnimCube3.txt" file linked above right in the web browser. In this particular case you would not be able to see the contents of the "AnimCube3.cfg" file right in the web browser. Both file types work the same in terms of simulator functionality.

Note: Due to browser implementations of the same-origin policy, the .txt configuration file will not work locally if the web page containing AnimCubeJS simulator is accessed via file://..., use http://... on local web server (such as Apache or IIS) instead. However, there is a way to use a configuration file without getting it from the server.

All that is needed is to define a variable in a web page, and then use it in each call to AnimCubeX. Access the following two simulators via file://..., and compare them with the first two simulators above.

While the first pair of simulators is getting a configuration file ("AnimCube.txt") from the server, the second pair of simulators is getting the "config.js" file containing the "config" variable from the web client. Note that the file formats are different.

Add the following line to the HTML head section rigth after the <script src="AnimCubeX.js"></script>:

<script src="config.js"></script>

Make sure to include the source config.js file in the directory/folder referenced in the HTML head section of your web page. Next, add the following code in the HTML file to the place where you want the simulator to be displayed.

 <script>AnimCubeX(config + "&parameters")</script>

Do not forget to replace "X" by the cube size.

bgcolor parameter

The bgcolor parameter determines the background color of the simulator. This parameter can be set to the background color of your web page in order to avoid visual color collisions. The value of the parameter consists of six hex digits and is case insensitive. The meaning of these digits is equal to the RGB color specification in HTML. If this parameter is missing, the color is set to middle gray (the default value is '808080'). The move counter is outlined to allow good visibility for any color. You can hide it using the counter parameter.

There is also a possibility to use transparent background which gives flexibility when setting color gradient or personalized image/video as a web page background. Details about transparency can be found in the Enhancement section.

Examples: AnimCube3("bgcolor=ff0000") sets the background color to red. The second simulator is an example of the default bgcolor parameter value.

Note: On the two cubes above you can notice different border colors for both the button bar and the progress bar, as well as different slider color in the progress bar. The reason for the former is discussed in the butbgcolor parameter section, the reason for the latter is discussed in the slidercolor parameter section.

cubecolor parameter

Note: This parameter is not supported in the original AnimCube Java applet.

Using the cubecolor parameter you can adjust the body color of the cube (the color of plastic on a real cube). It has the same value format as the bgcolor parameter. The default value is '000000' which is black. To avoid possible color collisions between the stickers and the body of the cube, set the facelets, colorscheme or colors parameter to appropriate value.

Examples: AnimCube3("cubecolor=ffffff&colorscheme=kygbor") sets the cube color to white along with black stickers. The second simulator is an example of the default cubecolor parameter value along with white stickers.

butbgcolor parameter

The butbgcolor parameter determines the background color of the control buttons in the button bar. It is very similar to the bgcolor parameter and has the same value format. If this parameter is missing, the color of the buttons is set to the value of the bgcolor parameter. The button symbols are outlined to allow good visibility for any color.

Examples: AnimCube3("butbgcolor=00ff00") sets the background color of the buttons in the button bar to green. The second simulator is an example of the default butbgcolor parameter value.

Note: The border color for both the button bar and the progress bar toggles between black and white, depending on the butbgcolor parameter. If the butbgcolor parameter is not set then it depends on the bgcolor parameter. If neither of these two is set then the border color is black (because the default value of the bgcolor parameter represents a lighter color).

slidercolor parameter

Note: This parameter is not supported in the original AnimCube Java applet.

The slidercolor parameter determines the color of the slider in the progress bar. The value of the parameter consists of six hex digits and is case insensitive. The meaning of these digits is equal to the RGB color specification in HTML. If this parameter is missing, the color of the slider is set to black or white, depending on the bgcolor parameter.

Examples: AnimCube3("slidercolor=ffff00") sets the slider color to yellow. The second simulator is an example of the default slidercolor parameter value.

troughcolor parameter

Note: This parameter is not supported in the original AnimCube Java applet.

Using the troughcolor parameter you can adjust the background (trough) color of the progress bar. It has the same value format as the slidercolor parameter. The progress bar background color defaults to a darker shade of the bgcolor parameter.

Examples: AnimCube3("troughcolor=0000ff") sets the background of the progress bar to blue. The second simulator is an example of the default troughcolor parameter value.

Note: Initially, the name of this parameter was "sliderbgcolor". For setting the progress bar background color either troughcolor or sliderbgcolor can be used.

clickprogress parameter

Note: This parameter is not supported in the original AnimCube Java applet.

With this parameter you can control an advance of a move sequence by clicking the progress bar. There are two possible parameter values: '0' and '1' (the default value is '1'). If set to '0' then clicking on trough of the progress bar will not advance through the move sequence - this is to avoid inadvertently messing up the playback of a sequence while single-stepping through it. The difference can be seen on the following cubes. If you click on trough of the progress bar on the first cube, the move sequence will advance (and the second one will not).

Examples: AnimCube3("clickprogress=1") and AnimCube3("clickprogress=0") have the following effect on the simulators.

Note: To reduce unintentional tapping on trough of the progress bar especially on mobile devices, enlargement of the area of control buttons in the button bar by means of percent usage - as described in the Using Simulator in Web Pages section - could be useful. Another option is to increase the value of the buttonheight parameter, if possible.

snap parameter

Note: This parameter is not supported in the original AnimCube Java applet.

Using this parameter you can prevent the layers getting out of alignment. There are two possible parameter values: '0' and '1' (the default value is '0'). If set to '1' then a partially twisted layer (even middle/inner one) will not remain in a position between two corners. The difference can be seen on the following cubes. If you use the mouse / finger to twist a layer so it is half-way between two corners, then the first cube will remain as is, the second cube will snap to a corner. If the layer is twisted less than half-way to the next corner, then it will snap back to the starting position. If it is twisted more than half-way, then it will snap to the next corner.

Examples: AnimCube3("snap=0") and AnimCube3("snap=1") give the following results.

buttonbar parameter

Using this parameter the button bar containing animation control buttons can be customized. There are three possible parameter values: '0', '1' and '2'. The '0' value means no buttons at all. The value equal to '1' causes the full button bar to appear. The value equal to '2' shows only one button that is used to clear the cube state to the initial values (unless otherwise stated).

If this parameter is not specified then there are two default settings. If the move or scramble parameter is specified then the full button bar is displayed. If the move and scramble parameter is missing then only the clear (Rewind) button is shown.

Examples: AnimCube3("buttonbar=0"), AnimCube3("buttonbar=2") and AnimCube3("buttonbar=1") give the following results.

Note: In the third example you can see that the cube is smaller, although the window (div) has the same size as the first two examples. This is caused by an automatic adjustment that fits the cube into the available space. If you want to use the full size of the cube, you should increase the height of the simulator window by the value of the buttonheight parameter + 6 (the default height of the button bar is 13, as already mentioned earlier in the Using Simulator in Web Pages section).

buttonheight parameter

Note: This parameter is not supported in the original AnimCube Java applet.

With this parameter you can adjust the height of the buttons in the button bar. The range is from '9' to '25' (pixels), the default value is '13'.

Examples: AnimCube3("buttonheight=9") and AnimCube3("buttonheight=25") give the following results.

repeat parameter

Note: This parameter is not supported in the original AnimCube Java applet.

With this parameter you can disallow a repetition of a move sequence. There are two possible parameter values: '0' and '1' (the default value is '1'). If set to '0' then pressing the Play or Single-Step button will not repeat a move sequence after it has already been played - this is to make it clear that the move sequence is complete. The difference can be seen by single-stepping (second button from right but also second button from left) through the move sequence on the two cubes below. The first allows repeat and the second does not.

Examples: AnimCube3("repeat=1") and AnimCube3("repeat=0") have the following effect on the simulators.

edit parameter

This parameter can disable the possibility to twist cube layers with the mouse / finger. There are two possible parameter values: '0' and '1'. The '0' value means that the cube can be only in a compact form, and separate layers cannot be twisted. The value equal to '1' enables the editing capability. The cube can be edited by default.

Examples: AnimCube3("edit=0") and AnimCube3("edit=1") give the following results.

speed parameter

This parameter allows customizing the animation speed. The parameter value should be a natural number (including 0, however, if equal to '0' then it is equal to the default value which is '10'). The higher the value, the slower is the animation. The default value corresponds to approximately 2/3 of a second for a quarter turn of any layer(s) (including middle/inner ones), and approximately 1 second for a half turn of any layer(s). Twist of any layer(s) by 90 degrees is meant as a quarter turn; twist of any layer(s) by 180 degrees is meant as a half turn in this context. The animation speed of a half turn can be adjusted separately by the doublespeed parameter.

Examples: AnimCube3("speed=5") and AnimCube3("speed=20") have the following effect on the animation speed.

Note: Here you can try to run both simulators simultaneously to compare the animation speed. You can also try multiple applications of the same move sequence to the cube by pressing the Play button after animation stops (Play button functionality can be disabled by the repeat parameter), and see how the top corners are twisted and moved. Some of the other buttons can also be used this way.

doublespeed parameter

This parameter allows customizing the speed of a half turn of any layer(s) (including middle/inner ones) separately from quarter turns (twist of any layer(s) by 90 degrees is meant as a quarter turn; twist of any layer(s) by 180 degrees is meant as a half turn in this context). The parameter value should be a natural number (including 0, however, if equal to '0' then it is equal to the default value). The higher the value, the slower is the animation. The animation speed of a quarter turn can be adjusted by the speed parameter. If the parameter doublespeed is missing, its default value is equal to the 3/2 of the value of the speed parameter.

Examples: AnimCube3("doublespeed=5") and AnimCube3("doublespeed=20") have the following effect on the animation speed.

position parameter

This parameter can be used to set the initial position of the cube (its rotation). The parameter value can be of any length, and can contain letters 'u', 'd', 'f', 'b', 'l' and 'r' in upper or lower case. The rotation angle is 15 degrees. The default value is 'lluu'. The rotation axis and direction is similar to the turns as described in the move parameter section.

Examples: AnimCube3("position=lllluuu") rotates the whole cube in the way as shown on the first simulator. The second simulator is an example of the default position parameter value.

scale parameter

This parameter allows customizing the magnification of the cube. The parameter value should be a natural number (including 0). The higher the value, the smaller the cube. The exact size is computed as 1 / (1 + scale / 10). The default value is '0'. The parameter is useful in combination with the hint, movetext and/or textsize parameter.

Examples: AnimCube3("scale=0"), AnimCube3("scale=5") and AnimCube3("scale=10") have the following effect on cube magnification.

align parameter

This parameter allows aligning the cube vertically. The only permitted parameter values are in the range of 0 - 99: '0' for top-align, '1' for center-align, '2' for bottom-align and '3' - '99' for any other align (from top to bottom). The default value is '1'. The parameter is used in conjunction with the scale parameter (you must set the scale parameter to a natural number (excluding 0) in order to use the align parameter properly).

Note: parameter values '3' - '99' are not supported in the original AnimCube Java applet.

Examples: AnimCube3("align=0&scale=4"), AnimCube3("align=27&scale=4"), AnimCube3("align=1&scale=4"), AnimCube3("align=75&scale=4") and AnimCube3("align=2&scale=4") have the following effect on the cube's vertical alignment.

hint parameter

This parameter allows displaying some of the facelets/stickers that face away from the user. The parameter value should be a natural number (including 0). The higher the value, the further are the facelets from the cube. The default value is '0' which means no hint at all. Usable values are from '2' to '10', but you can try to experiment. Good visual arrangements can be accomplished in combination with the scale and/or hintborder parameter, as well as with the hinthoriz and/or hintvert parameter.


have the following effect on hint displaying.

hinthoriz parameter

Note: This parameter is not supported in the original AnimCube Java applet.

This parameter allows adjusting the left and back hint faces by moving them horizontally either toward or away from each other. The parameter value is a decimal number greater than 0, the default value is '3.7' and normal usage will likely fall in the range from '2' to '10'. The higher the value, the closer are left and back hint faces to the cube.

If you want to move the hint faces vertically, use the hintvert parameter.


give the following results.

hintvert parameter

Note: This parameter is not supported in the original AnimCube Java applet.

This parameter allows adjusting the hint faces by moving them vertically. The bottom face moves in the opposite direction from the left and back faces. The parameter value is a decimal number greater than 0, the default value is '3.7' and normal usage will likely fall in the range from '2' to '10'. The higher the value, the closer are hint faces to the cube.

If you want to move the hint faces horizontally, use the hinthoriz parameter.


give the following results.

hintborder parameter

Note: This parameter is not supported in the original AnimCube Java applet, however, the functionality of the hintborder=1 setting is supported by default.

With this parameter you can avoid visual color collisions between the bgcolor and hint parameters. There are two parameter values: '0' (which is the default value) and '1'. If set to '1' then it is possible to show hint facelets that are the same color as the background.

Examples: AnimCube3("hintborder=0&bgcolor=ffff00&hint=10") and AnimCube3("hintborder=1&bgcolor=ffff00&hint=10") have the following effect on displaying yellow hint facelets/stickers.

perspective parameter

This parameter allows customizing the perspective deformation of the cube. The parameter value should be a natural number (including 0). The higher the value, the more the cube is skewed. The default value is '2'.

Examples: AnimCube3("perspective=0"), AnimCube3("perspective=2"), AnimCube3("perspective=10") and AnimCube3("perspective=1000000") have the following effect on the perspective projection.

borderwidth parameter

Note: This parameter is not supported in the original AnimCube Java applet.

This parameter allows changing the width of the border among adjacent stickers (facelets) on the cube. The range is from '0' to '20' and there are two default settings. If supercube=1 or gabbacolors=1 is declared, the default value is '6'. Otherwise the default value is '10'. For the parameter value of '0' the look is close to the stickerless cube (the cube having colored plastic instead of stickers/tiles). See the cubecolor parameter section if you want to change the color of the border among stickers.

Examples: AnimCube3("borderwidth=0"), AnimCube3("borderwidth=6"), AnimCube3("borderwidth=10") and AnimCube3("borderwidth=20") have the following effect on cube appearance.

move parameter

Move sequence for the 3x3x3 cube is defined in extended Singmaster notation. The basis for the notation is six move letters of the following meaning:

The letter case is important here, because the same - but lowercase - letters are used for different types of turns. Modifiers can be appended to the move letter. There are three basic modifiers: a prime symbol ''', a digit two '2' and a digit three '3' (which should be considered obsolete, and has the same purpose as ''').

To see the effect of these character sequences, look at the table below. Press the Play button to see the move, and the Next sequence button - in the top-right position - to see another move (note: the Previous sequence button is not supported in the original AnimCube Java applet).

X X' X2 X2'

There are also some advanced modifiers that are written immediately after the move letter and right before the basic modifiers already defined. The possible advanced modifiers, for the 3x3x3 cube, are:

Some of these advanced modifiers (m, c and t to be specific) can be omitted using an additional subset of characters from the 3x3x3 move character set. Advanced modifiers were added so as to reflect the agreement of cubists (also known as cubers) on the extended notation. It is quite orthogonal and consistent design. Examples are given in the following table.

Xs Xs' Xs2 Xs2'
Xa Xa' Xa2 Xa2'
Xm Xm' Xm2 Xm2'
Xt Xt' Xt2 Xt2'
Xc Xc' Xc2 Xc2'

The simulator supports an additional subset of characters to represent specific turns on a 3x3x3 cube. As an alternative to the m advanced modifier, the center layers can be turned using the following characters in combination with basic modifiers ''' and '2'.

The following table shows the effect of these characters.

X X' X2 X2'

The simulator also supports whole-cube rotations. This feature can be used to rotate the cube in order to show it in the best position/orientation for the current situation to watch the move sequence. The available characters to rotate the cube - as an alternative to the c advanced modifier - are shown in the following table. They can also be combined with basic modifiers ''' and '2'.

The following table shows the effect of these characters (for the sign=1 setting).

X X' X2 X2'

As an alternative to the t advanced modifier, there is also a possibility to turn two adjacent layers simultaneously on a 3x3x3 cube. The notation and meaning is similar to the outer layer turns, but the move letters are in lowercase.

The following table shows all cases.

X X' X2 X2'

There is also another alternative to the t advanced modifier you can use. If you switch from this default AnimCubeJS notation to the wca notation, you can append a 'w' letter right after an outer layer turn letter and before basic modifiers ''' and '2'.

X X' X2 X2'

The meaning of basic modifiers ''' and '2', as well as uppercase move letters R, U, F, L, D, B and whole-cube rotations x, y, z - as described for the 3x3x3 cube above - applies to all cube sizes. For notation simplicity, the movetext parameter can be only set to either '0', '1', '5' or '6' on other cube sizes than 3x3x3 (see both movetext=0 and movetext=1 settings on the first and second examples below). To support widely used notations among speedcubers, the third example below uses the sign=1 setting which automatically sets the movetext parameter value to '5', and the last example uses the wca=1 setting which automatically sets the movetext parameter value to '6'.

The following example cubes show possible move character set which is divided into two move sequences. These two move sequences differ only in that the second one contains the basic modifier '2', and the first one does not.

For the 2x2x2 simulator, these are possible advanced modifiers that are written immediately after the move letter and right before the basic modifiers:

For the 4x4x4 simulator, these are possible advanced modifiers that are written immediately after the move letter and right before the basic modifiers:

For the 5x5x5 simulator, these are possible advanced modifiers that are written immediately after the move letter and right before the basic modifiers:

For the 6x6x6 simulator, these are possible advanced modifiers that are written immediately after the move letter and right before the basic modifiers:

For the 7x7x7 simulator, these are possible advanced modifiers that are written immediately after the move letter and right before the basic modifiers:

There is yet another character to be used in the parameter value - the dot '.' character. When a dot is found in the move sequence during playing the animation, it is delayed for half the time of a quarter turn (i.e. twist of any layer(s) by 90 degrees) execution.

It is also possible to use text comments in the parameter value, and such comments appear at the top of the simulator. The text to appear must be enclosed in the brace characters: '{' and '}'. To remove the currently displayed comment, empty braces can be used: '{}'. Text can be on multiple lines (note: in the original AnimCube Java applet the comment must have been only on a single line), however, you can divide long text passage into more smaller ones and then display them sequentially within the animation. Text can be specified in both the demo and move parameter, and its size is adjustable by the textsize parameter.

There can be more move sequences with different initial cube configurations specified in one simulator (note: different initial cube configurations specified in one simulator are not supported in the original AnimCube Java applet). If you want to use more move sequences, separate them by the semicolon character ';'. If you want to use different initial cube configurations, use the move parameter along with the initmove or initrevmove parameter. The functionality described above allows using the simulator as a speedcubing reconstruction tool - you can customize multiple text comments as well as multiple solve reconstructions using only one simulator instead of using multiple simulators (one for each solve reconstruction).

The parameter value equal to 'random' (note: this value is not supported in the original AnimCube Java applet) will randomly pick applicable characters from the following move character subset: R, U, F, L, D, B, 2, ', m, n and o, resulting in generating random move sequence (compare with the scramble parameter). Its length can be adjusted via the randmoves parameter.

Note: To improve readability of your code, white-space characters can be used to surround the characters from the move character set (with the exception of modifiers - do not write e.g. Ra2' as R a2' or Ra 2' or Ra2 '). For better readability of multiple move sequences in your code you can break a code line with a single backslash character:


Examples: AnimCube3("move=R2' U M U' R2' U M' U'") and AnimCube3("move={right index finger - U} R2' U r' {}.{right thumb - U'} R U' {}..{right index finger - U} R2' U l' {}.{left index finger - U'} L U'") are two different sequences showing one algorithm in different ways (the second one is more customized to fast finger shortcuts/tricks). The third example contains both sequences in one move parameter value: AnimCube3("move=R2' U M U' R2' U M' U'; R2' U r' R U' R2' U l' L U'"). The move sequence in the second simulator contains delays (represented by dots) and messages (enclosed in braces) to show the finger tricks more clearly. The animation is also speeded-up in this case.

movetext parameter

This parameter can enable textual representation of a move sequence inside the simulator window (div). There are seven possible parameter values for the 3x3x3 simulator: '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5' and '6' (note: values '5' and '6' are not supported in the original AnimCube Java applet). There are four possible values for cube sizes other than 3x3x3: '0', '1', '5' and '6'. The movetext=2, movetext=3 and movetext=4 settings should be considered obsolete.

The '0' value, which is the default value, means that the textual representation of the turn is not displayed (if you want to hide the move counter as well, use the counter parameter). The value equal to '1' enables displaying the turns in one of the older notation using advanced modifiers (m, c, s, a and t for the 3x3x3 cube) to support various types of turns. The value equal to '2' enables displaying the turns in the shortened notation (using characters M, E, S, X, Y, Z, and lowercase letters r, l, f, b, u, d). See the move parameter section for examples (move character sets for cube sizes other than 3x3x3 are also discussed there).

To support notation where the meaning of y and z rotations is interchanged, you can use the parameter value '3'. Other turns are the same as for the parameter value '2'. The value equal to '4' is displaying middle slice turns in lowercase letters, whole-cube rotations use the "Q" prefix, and a simultaneous turn of two adjacent layers is expressed by two letters (first of them in uppercase, second of them in lowercase). To display XYZ rotations in lowercase, use the parameter value '5'. The movetext=5 setting is also displaying move sequences in a notation (sign) widely used in the speedcubing community. Use the parameter value '6' to display move sequences in another widely used cubing notation (wca).

In order to prevent symbol meaning collisions (y and z rotations to be specific, because they mean two different cube rotations depending on set parameter value), use the yz or sign or wca parameter.

If you want to remove spaces in textual representation of a move sequence, use the movetextspace parameter.

Examples: AnimCube3("movetext=0"), AnimCube3("movetext=1"), AnimCube3("movetext=5") and AnimCube3("movetext=6") give the following results. The move sequence begins with move=xyz which shows the importance of using the yz or sign or wca parameter when dealing with whole-cube rotations.

Obsolete declarations AnimCube3("movetext=2"), AnimCube3("movetext=3"), and AnimCube3("movetext=4") give the following results.

movetextspace parameter

Note: This parameter is not supported in the original AnimCube Java applet.

This parameter determines whether spaces will be present in a move sequence. When a move sequence is displayed using the movetext parameter then you can choose to remove spaces in it by setting the movetextspace parameter to '0'. However, the move sequence with spaces tends to be much more readable. The default value is '1' which keeps spaces in a move sequence.

Examples: AnimCube3("movetext=5&movetextspace=1") and AnimCube3("movetext=5&movetextspace=0") have the following effect on the simulators.

yz parameter

Note: This parameter is not supported in the original AnimCube Java applet.

The yz parameter customizes notation for whole-cube rotations. There are two possible parameter values: '0' and '1' (the default value is '0'). If set to '1' then y and z rotations are switched. Examples below have the move parameter set to 'xyz', and at the same time the movetext parameter set to '1', '2', '3', '4', '5' and '6', which shows that while the original method of using movetext=3 (or movetext=5) setting to switch the display of y and z works fine - the actual function of the turn (as declared in the move parameter) does not change, an input rotation of z still rotates around the up-down axis. With yz=1 setting the function of the move parameter changes so that z rotates around the front-back axis and all movetext parameter values work as expected, except '2' which becomes switched.

You can also use the sign=1 or wca=1 setting instead.

Examples: AnimCube3("movetext=1&yz=1&move=xyz"), AnimCube3("movetext=2&yz=1&move=xyz"), AnimCube3("movetext=3&yz=1&move=xyz"), AnimCube3("movetext=4&yz=1&move=xyz"), AnimCube3("movetext=5&yz=1&move=xyz") and AnimCube3("movetext=6&yz=1&move=xyz") have the following effect on the simulators.

sign parameter

Note: This parameter is not supported in the original AnimCube Java applet.

The sign parameter supports a widely used notation in the speedcubing community. The supported notation is loosely based on the Simple General Notation (SiGN). There are two possible parameter values: '0' and '1' (the default value is '0'). If set to '1' then default implicit parameter settings are:

However, the default implicit parameter settings can be overridden by setting the movetext and/or yz parameter to the desired value.

The sign=1 setting tells the AnimCubeJS program to replace moves prefixed with numbers (see below) with corresponding AnimCubeJS notation. With the sign=0 setting the replacement is not done. If sign=1 setting is used, the basis of the move character set for each cube size is:

Make sure to separate moves by space, otherwise the move sequence might be ambiguous (for instance, R2L could mean R2 L or R 2L for the 4x4x4 cube). The meaning of the characters written above is explained in the move parameter section. The sign parameter is mutually exclusive with the wca parameter which is supporting another widely used cubing notation.

Examples: AnimCube6("sign=0&move=xyzLm2Rm2'Fm2Bm2'Um2'Dm2&movetext=5") and AnimCube6("sign=1&move=x y z 3L2 3R2' 3F2 3B2' 3U2' 3D2") have the following effect on the simulators.

wca parameter

Note: This parameter is not supported in the original AnimCube Java applet.

The wca parameter supports the official WCA scrambling notation as of 2023 (time reference is given here in case WCA decides to change its scrambling notation in the future). There are two possible parameter values: '0' and '1' (the default value is '0'). If set to '1' then default implicit parameter settings are:

However, the default implicit parameter settings can be overridden by setting the movetext and/or yz parameter to the desired value.

The wca=1 setting tells the AnimCubeJS program to convert moves in the WCA scrambling notation to corresponding moves in the SiGN notation. With the wca=0 setting the conversion is not done. If wca=1 setting is used, the basis of the move character set for each cube size is:

Make sure to separate moves by space. The meaning of the characters written above is explained in the move parameter section.

Note: Unless you have a very specific reason why you want to use this parameter, it is recommended to use either the sign parameter or the default AnimCubeJS notation as described in the move parameter section instead. The reason for it is that the WCA scrambling notation - in terms of possible moves - forms only a subset of both SiGN and AnimCubeJS notations. The wca parameter is mutually exclusive with the sign parameter.

Examples: AnimCube6("wca=0&move=xyzLt2Rt2'Ft2Bt2'Ut2'Dt2&movetext=6") and AnimCube6("wca=1&move=x y z Lw2 Rw2' Fw2 Bw2' Uw2' Dw2") have the following effect on the simulators.

initmove parameter

This parameter specifies the move sequence to be executed on the solved cube before starting the animation. It can be used to setup solved cube to a certain legal state without using the facelets parameter. The value format, as well as notation and its meaning, is the same as for the move parameter.

The parameter value equal to 'random' (note: this parameter value is not supported in the original AnimCube Java applet) will randomly pick applicable characters from the following move character subset: R, U, F, L, D, B, 2, ', m, n and o, resulting in generating random move sequence (compare with the scramble parameter). Its length can be adjusted via the randmoves parameter. If set only to the hash symbol '#' then it is equal to the value of the move parameter (the whole parameter value if more move sequences are specified). Otherwise the hash symbol is a placeholder for a specific move sequence declared in the move parameter. So for example: initmove=#;sequence;# setting means that the first and third sequences specified in the move parameter will be used as the initializing sequences for the first and third cubes (the second cube will be initialized using a custom sequence).

Empty sequence declared in the initmove or initrevmove parameter value means there will be no initializing sequence applied for that move sequence, so for example: initmove=seq1;;seq3 setting means that move sequence no. 2 will have no initializing sequence. If there are less sequences declared in the initmove or initrevmove parameter value than in the move parameter value, then for those move sequences having no initializing sequence there will not be any initializing sequence applied.

The last simulator below is an example of 5 different pretty patterns, all of them being displayed using only 1 simulator.

Examples: AnimCube3("initmove=M2E2S2"), AnimCube3("initmove=#&move=M2E2S2") and AnimCube3("yz=1&initmove=R2F2R2E'L2F2L2E; #; L2B2M2F2R2x2; R2L2UD'F2B2UD'y2; URL'FB'UD'L'z'y'&move=M2S2U2M2S2D2; R2U2Rs2U2R2; R2F2Ra2F2L2; M2E'M2E; E'MEM'") have the following effect on a 3x3x3 cube.

initrevmove parameter

The meaning and possible parameter values are the same as for the initmove parameter, but the move sequence is executed reversed this time (from end to beginning with opposite turning directions). It is even more useful when the value is equal to '#' and takes the sequence of moves from the move parameter (the whole parameter value if more move sequences are specified). The hash symbol can also be used as a placeholder for a specific move sequence, see the initmove parameter section for more details.

To show the flexibility of the page creation using this simulator, suppose that we have more move sequences affecting the same part of the cube. Other parts should remain either unchanged (dark gray) or we do not care about them (light gray). Instead of creating the facelets coloring for each configuration, we can create only one universal, and use it in all corresponding simulators while changing only the move parameter. The initrevmove parameter set to '#' creates the cube setup for us. The last simulator below is an example of 5 different pretty patterns, all of them being displayed using only 1 simulator.


have the following effect on the simulators.

demo parameter

This parameter can be used as a demonstration tool of various move sequences. The value format, as well as notation and its meaning, is the same as for the move parameter.

Using the 'random' value (note: this parameter value is not supported in the original AnimCube Java applet) will randomly pick applicable characters from the following move character subset: R, U, F, L, D, B, 2, ', m, n and o, resulting in generating random move sequence. Its length can be adjusted via the randmoves parameter. If set to '#' then it is equal to the value of the move parameter (the first one if more move sequences are specified). The specified move sequence is executed after page load and all the operations are processed in loop from beginning to the end. The demo mode can be interrupted by pressing any control button in the button bar. The cube state and move sequence is then reinitiated, and the simulator is prepared for regular operations.

Note: Do not overuse this parameter. It is recommended using only one (if any) simulator per page with this parameter set.

Example: To see AnimCube3("demo={AnimeCubeJS}zzUuzz{by M%2E Feather %26 J%2E Jel%C3%ADnek}d'D'UE'D'{}D'E'U") in action, have a look at the first simulator of this page. The string "%2E" is the HTML encoding reference for a dot "." and "%26" translates to an ampersand "&". The "í" character can be substituted by the "%C3%AD" sequence.

metric parameter

Using this parameter the move count can be adjusted to various turn metrics. There are four possible parameter values with the following meaning:

The default value is '0'. The metric being used is abbreviated as a character after the move counter.

Note: HTM is also known as FTM (Face Turn Metric). Letter "f" used to be appended after the move counter for metric=2 setting in the original AnimCube Java applet. It has been changed to "h".

Note: Move count for the s and a advanced modifiers in metric=3 setting was 1 for both quarter turn and half turn in the original AnimCube Java applet. It has been changed to 2.


give the following results for the same values of other parameters.

Below you can see all possible types of turns and their move counts for all 4 metrics (from metric=0 to metric=3).


    X m t c s a w n o u
 q: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
 h: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


    X m t c s a w n o u
 q: 1 2 1 0 2 2 2 2 2 1
 h: 2 4 2 0 4 4 4 4 4 2


    X m t c s a w n o u
 q: 1 2 1 0 2 2 2 2 2 1
 h: 1 2 1 0 2 2 2 2 2 1


    X m t c s a w n o u
 q: 1 1 1 0 2 2 1 1 1 1
 h: 1 1 1 0 2 2 1 1 1 1
Legend for characters used above:
q = quarter turn
h = half turn
X = outer layer turn
m, t, c, s, a, w, n, o, u = advanced modifiers as described in the move parameter section
number (0, 1, 2, or 4) = move count

counter parameter

Note: This parameter is not supported in the original AnimCube Java applet.

With this parameter you can hide the move counter being normally displayed as the numerous representation of the move sequence to be played. There are two possible parameter values: '0' and '1' (which is the default value). If set to '0' then the move counter is hidden.

When other parameters are set to proper values, the full button bar (see the buttonbar parameter section) being displayed means the move counter will be shown by default, while reduced or hidden button bar means the move counter will be hidden by default.

Examples: AnimCube3("counter=0") and AnimCube3("counter=1") give the following results.

fonttype parameter

This parameter can adjust the appearance of displayed text inside the simulator window (div). There are two possible parameter values: '0' and '1'. The '0' value means that all text passages are displayed in the standard format with black or white color, depending on the bgcolor parameter. The value equal to '1' enables displaying all text passages with outlined font (black outline around white text), and is used to increase legibility for strange background colors (i.e. strange values of the bgcolor parameter). The font being used is outlined by default (the default value is '1').

Examples: AnimCube3("fonttype=0") and AnimCube3("fonttype=1") give the following results for the same values of other parameters. The next two examples show the appearance after the background was changed to a darker color (third simulator represents AnimCube3("fonttype=0"), fourth simulator represents AnimCube3("fonttype=1")).

textsize parameter

Note: This parameter is not supported in the original AnimCube Java applet.

Using this parameter you can adjust the size of the characters displayed inside the simulator window (div). The range is from '5' to '40' (pixels), the default value is '12'.

Examples: AnimCube3("textsize=5"), AnimCube3("textsize=12") and AnimCube3("textsize=40") have the following effect on the simulators.

Note: Clearly, the higher the parameter value you use, the higher simulator window (div dimensions) you should use for a better appearance.

facelets parameter

This parameter contains color codes of all cube facelets/stickers. The facelets parameter is mutually exclusive with the parameters colorscheme and pos, and has the highest priority. The value of this parameter must have exactly NxNx6 characters (N for the 2x2x2 cube is equal to 2, N for the 5x5x5 cube equals 5, etc.), resulting in 54 characters for the 3x3x3 cube. Each character determines the color being used. All possible colors and the corresponding character codes (which are case insensitive) can be seen in the following table. The characters from '0' to '9' represent adjustable colors that can be set to any color using the colors parameter.

0light orange
1pure red
2pure green
3pure blue
llight gray
ddark gray
nlight green
k black
anything else means gray

The following table shows the meaning of all character positions in the facelets parameter value for the 3x3x3 cube. The parameter value can be divided into six groups, each group consisting of nine (NxN in general for other cube sizes than 3x3x3) characters determining the facelet colors. To show the position of each facelet in one of the six groups (actually representing cube faces), each group in the table is set to the following sequence of characters: '123456789'. The other characters in the parameter value are set to middle gray. The second row in the table shows the affected cube face for each group of characters. The third row in the table shows character positions in the parameter value for the corresponding group of characters.

Up Down Front Back Left Right
1-9 10-18 19-27 28-36 37-45 46-54

To clarify the facelet layout for the 3x3x3 simulator, the next picture shows the facelet positions in the parameter value (starting from 1).

facelets layout

Examples: AnimCube3("facelets=oywoyyoooCMCMYMCMC*dkl*dwl*PNCNCPCPNrgbgbrbrgYNGNNGGGG") initializes the cube to weird configuration as shown on the first simulator. The mixed character case is used only to visually separate the faces. The second simulator is an example of the default facelets parameter value.

colorscheme parameter

This parameter is used to set the color scheme of the solved cube. In combination with the initmove / initrevmove parameter, it can, in some cases, replace the facelets or pos parameter. It is mutually exclusive with the facelets and pos parameter, and has the lowest priority.

The parameter value must consist of exactly six characters, each determining the color of the corresponding cube face. Cube face order is: Up, Down, Front, Back, Left and Right. The color codes are shown in a table in the facelets parameter section. The default value is 'wyorgb'.

Examples: AnimCube3("colorscheme=wbgyor") sets the color scheme to the "Japanese" style: white opposite to blue. AnimCube3("colorscheme=456789") sets the color scheme to the grayed default scheme, because the digits 4 to 9 represent configurable colors initialized to grayish shades of the colors, and are discussed in the facelets and colors parameter sections. AnimCube3("colorscheme=wwrrbb") sets the color scheme to the tricolor scheme that uses only three colors with the same color on opposite faces.

colors parameter

This parameter can be used to set ten configurable colors to custom colors. Configurable colors are given in the RGB string format: RRGGBB, forming the RGB triple (each component is 2 hex digits). Each RGB triple sets the corresponding configurable color. Configurable colors can be accessed in other parameters (facelets and colorscheme) by means of the '0', '1', ..., '8', '9' substitutes. All the default colors are shown in the facelets parameter section.

Example: AnimCube3("colors=ff888888ff888888ff88ffffff88ffffff88&colorscheme=012345") sets the color scheme to light colors (red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow).

There are 6 configurable colors in the example above (can have up to 10 configurable colors):

RRGGBB <—— RGB triple 
ff8888 0 
88ff88 1
8888ff 2
88ffff 3
ff88ff 4
ffff88 5

The number in the right column is then referenced to use that configurable color in either the colorscheme or facelets parameter, so for colorscheme=012345 it applies:

ff8888 = Up 
88ff88 = Down
8888ff = Front
88ffff = Back
ff88ff = Left
ffff88 = Right

The color scheme in the example above is set to lighter colors because "00" has been replaced by "88" (increasing the number makes it lighter: 000000 = black, ffffff = white).

RRGGBB <—— RGB triple 
ff0000 red 
00ff00 green
0000ff blue
00ffff cyan
ff00ff magenta
ffff00 yellow

pos parameter

This parameter should be considered obsolete, and is supported only because of compatibility and smooth replacement of the old 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube Java applets (called lrubik and Caesar as outlined in the Introduction section under the "Show AnimCubeJS evolution" button) made by Lars Petrus.

The pos parameter is similar to facelets. Using this parameter, the AnimCubeJS simulator sets other unset parameters to proper values, so the appearance is as close as possible to the old Lars' Java applet (Caesar). If this parameter is used then default implicit parameter settings are:

This parameter is mutually exclusive with the parameters facelets and colorscheme. When used simultaneously, facelets has higher priority and colorscheme lower.

Examples: First cube below is identical to the code of Lars' old 3x3x3 Java applet (lrubik). The next two cubes come from the newer (yet still old) Lars' 3x3x3 Java applet (Caesar) that uses extended notation for whole-cube rotations and two-layer turns. Although the same symbols are used (see the source code if you are interested), the meaning of symbols in the notations is different.

  1. What appears to be the largest face, which one might think is the front face, is actually the right face due to the position=UUUUFF setting.

  2. The pos layout (compare with the facelet layout as described in the facelets parameter section) for the 3x3x3 simulator is:
  3.           25 26 27
              22 23 24
              19 20 21
    48 47 46  16 17 18  28 31 34  03 02 01
    51 50 49  13 14 15  29 32 35  06 05 04
    54 53 52  10 11 12  30 33 36  09 08 07
              39 38 37
              42 41 40
              45 44 43

    The very same principle of ordering applies to other cube sizes.

  4. You are permitted to use only the following case sensitive color codes:

    glight gray
    hdark gray
    A or igreen-gray
    B or jblue-gray
    C or kred-gray
    D or lwhite-gray
    E or morange-gray
    F or nyellow-gray

  5. If you are converting from the old 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube Java applet (Caesar) made by Lars Petrus to AnimCubeJS (3x3x3 simulator to be specific), be aware that while AnimCubeJS uses center-independent way to display declared move sequences, Lars' Java applet uses center-dependent way to display them. This means that when the position of centers changes the moves are mapped differently across Caesar and AnimCubeJS. On a physical cube, if you execute an x whole-cube rotation followed by an F move, that move should affect the front layer (which is the case for AnimCubeJS), and not the top layer (which is the case for Lars' approach) where the center that was initially in the front position is now placed. Because of this, you might want to convert the move sequence declared in Lars' old 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube Java applet.

supercube parameter

Note: This parameter is not supported in the original AnimCube Java applet.

This parameter allows simulating the Supercube. There are two possible parameter values: '0' (which is the default value) and '1'. The supercube=1 setting makes the borders among adjacent facelets thinner (this can be adjusted by the borderwidth parameter).

Examples: AnimCube3("supercube=1") and AnimCube3("supercube=0") have the following effect on the simulators.

superfacelets parameter

Note: This parameter is not supported in the original AnimCube Java applet.

Using the superfacelets parameter you can adjust the supercube facelet twists. Layout is the same as for the facelets parameter, possible parameter values are:

Examples: AnimCube3("superfacelets=000010000000000000000020000000000000000000000000030000&supercube=1") makes the black center piece twisted clockwise (by 90 degrees), green center piece half twisted (by 180 degrees), and red center piece twisted counter-clockwise (by 90 degrees). All the other characters in the parameter value are set to normal twist. The second simulator is an example of the default superfacelets parameter value.

scw parameter

Note: This parameter is not supported in the original AnimCube Java applet.

Using the scw parameter (it stands for SuperCubeWhite) you can translate the w letters written in the facelets or colorscheme parameter value, if the supercube=1 setting is also used. Possible parameter values are:

Examples: AnimCube3("colorscheme=wygbor&scw=1&supercube=1") gives the result as seen on the first cube, and AnimCube3("facelets=wwwwwwwwwyyyyyyyyygggggggggbbbbbbbbbooooooooorrrrrrrrr&scw=2&supercube=1 gives the result as seen on the second cube. The third cube has the same parameter values as the first one, except for scw=1 is replaced by scw=0.

Note: The scw parameter is not needed at all if k is used for color (which is black, as described in the facelets parameter section). The scw parameter makes it easy to switch the facelets or colorscheme parameter value between normal cube & Supercube (so you do not have to replace all the w's with k's) by using the scw=1 setting.

Note: Initially, the parameter values were 'black' and 'blank'. Their meaning is now equivalent to the values '1' and '2'.

gabbacolors parameter

Note: This parameter is not supported in the original AnimCube Java applet.

With this parameter you can change the cube look. There are two possible parameter values: '0' (which is the default value) and '1'. Set to '1' for Gabbasoft colors as shown on the first cube below.

Examples: AnimCube3("gabbacolors=1") and AnimCube3("gabbacolors=0") have the following effect on the simulators.

As you can see, the gabbacolors=1 setting makes the borders among adjacent facelets thinner (this can be adjusted by the borderwidth parameter), and it can also be used together with the supercube parameter, as shown on the first cube below.

Examples: AnimCube3("gabbacolors=1&supercube=1") and AnimCube3("gabbacolors=0&supercube=1") have the following effect on the simulators.

Note: You can omit the gabbacolors parameter by combining the borderwidth and colors (white: 'ffffff', yellow: 'ffd90a', green: '0b7d39', blue: '0b4186', orange: 'ff4f0b', red: '9e0b19') parameters. Default gabbacolors for Supercube are black: '000000', yellow: 'fdcf00', green: '00702d', blue: '00347a', orange: 'fd4e0a', red: '93000d'.

scramble parameter

Note: This parameter is not supported in the original AnimCube Java applet.

This parameter can be used to generate random move sequence. The function generating random move sequence for the 2x2x2 and 3x3x3 cubes takes the characters from the following move character subset: R, U, F, L, D, B, 2 and '. Obviously, m modifier will be used to generate random move sequence for the 4x4x4 and 6x6x6 cubes. Similarly, n modifier will be used to generate random move sequence for the 5x5x5, 6x6x6 and 7x7x7 cubes. Finally, o modifier will be used to generate random move sequence for the 7x7x7 cube. There is no m modifier being generated for the 3x3x3, 5x5x5 and 7x7x7 cubes - the reason for this restriction lies in a so-called fixed centers model, which is a Rubik's cube model in which center layers never turn. Modifiers are explained in the move parameter section.

There are three possible parameter values: '0' (which is the default value), '1' and '2'. If the value is equal to '1' then the starting cube state will be solved and playing the move sequence will scramble the cube. If the value is equal to '2' then the starting cube state will be scrambled and the move sequence will solve the cube.

Each time the clear (Rewind) button is pressed a new random move sequence is generated. The default move count of random sequence of moves generated is the cube size multiplied by 10 (30 for 3x3x3, 40 for 4x4x4, etc.), but it can be changed with the randmoves parameter as shown on the second cube below.

By default the full button bar is shown (i.e. the buttonbar parameter is set to the value of '1'). If the buttonbar=2 setting is used then only the Rewind button is shown and pressing it toggles between solved and scrambled (starting cube state depends on the scramble setting). You should not use the buttonbar=0 setting.

With the buttonbar=1 setting, the same functionality can be achieved using either the scramble parameter or the 'random' value (in the move parameter) with one difference which is that the scramble parameter generates a new random move sequence when the clear (Rewind) button is pressed in button bar, whereas with the 'random' value the web page must be reloaded to get a new random move sequence. You can compare the functionality between the scramble=1 and move=random settings, as well as between the scramble=2 and move=random&initrevmove=# settings if you want to see the difference.

With the buttonbar=2&scramble=1 setting, the clear (Rewind) button toggles between random and solved states (starting with solved state). The same functionality cannot be achieved with the move=random setting (unless using HTML/JavaScript buttons, see the last Note in the randmoves parameter section). For the scramble=2 setting, which starts with the random state, the same can be achieved with the initmove=random setting and using the web page reload for a new random move sequence, although there is no option for the solved cube state as with the scramble parameter.

Use of the scramble parameter is mutually exclusive with the move, initmove, initrevmove, demo, facelets, superfacelets and pos parameters (they are ignored if declared).

Examples: AnimCube3("scramble=1"), AnimCube3("scramble=2&randmoves=18"), AnimCube3("scramble=1&buttonbar=2") and AnimCube3("scramble=2&buttonbar=2") have the following effect on the simulators.

randmoves parameter

Note: This parameter is not supported in the original AnimCube Java applet.

This parameter allows changing the move count of randomly generated move sequence. The parameter value should be a natural number (including 0, however, if equal to '0' then it is equal to the default value which is the cube size multiplied by 10, i.e. 20 for 2x2x2, 50 for 5x5x5, etc.).

Randomly generated move sequence is supported by the scramble parameter and 'random' parameter value of the move, initmove, initrevmove and demo parameters.

Examples: AnimCube3("randmoves=1&initmove=random"), AnimCube3("randmoves=2&initrevmove=random") and AnimCube3("randmoves=3&move=random") have the following effect on the simulators.

Note: Use of the randmoves and scramble parameters, as well as 'random' parameter value (in the move, initmove, initrevmove or demo parameters) can provide much more functionality when used with HTML buttons that call JavaScript functions which pass parameters to the simulator. See the Enhancement section for more.


By adding a bit of extra HTML and/or JS code you can make a wide variety of fancy features (such as responsive cubes) which might become handy if you want to cube but do not have a physical cube around:

The cube display parameters can be updated with HTML user interfaces (buttons, pulldown lists, popup forms, etc.) via JavaScript in a web-page by doing the following.

Add a unique id to divs that are used to display cubes and pass the id to AnimCube to display each cube in the proper div:

<div id=cube1></div>
<div id=cube2></div>


Each time AnimCube is called, a new set of event listeners is created and they will accumulate. To avoid that, declare the following global array prior to any calls to AnimCube:

var acjs_removeListeners = [];

After the first call to AnimCube(id), acjs_removeListeners[id]() can be used to remove listeners prior to subsequent calls as shown:


See an example implementation that uses buttons to update the cube display.

The listeners can be viewed in Chrome Dev Tools (press F12 to view), click on the Elements tab and then on the Event Listeners subtab (check Ancestors box and select All in dropdown). With use of the above described method there will be no increase in the number of "document" lines under each listener when a cube is redisplayed via JavaScript.

A copy of the example implementation without acjs_removeListeners can be seen here, use Dev Tools to see the listeners accumulating after each button press (click the Refresh icon in the Event Listeners subtab to update).

AnimCubeJS internals can be accessed directly from a web page using Javascript by declaring global array variables prefixed with "acjs_" as shown below (replace "name" with the actual name of an array or function in AnimCube).
var acjs_name = [];
To activate declared variables, call AnimCube with the id of the div where it is displayed on the web page, c1 for example:
AnimCube then links each variable as shown:
acjs_name[id] = name;
After the call, the array or function within AnimCube can be directly accessed in the web page by referencing as shown.
acjs_name[id]; // array acjs_name[id](); // function
In Javascript, arrays and functions are linked by reference (acjs_name[id] is assigned a pointer to "name" within AnimCube) which allows direct access but other variable types such as number or string are not linked this way (the assignment to acjs_name[id] would not be a pointer, it would receive a copy of the value in "name" instead) so a different method is needed. To read and update number or string variables, declare the following which link to the internal functions designed for that purpose:
var acjs_get_var = []; var acjs_put_var = [];
After a call to AnimCube to make the links, the functions can then be used to read or update number or string variables. In the following examples, "name" would be replaced with the actual name of a number or string variable in AnimCube. The type parameter would be set to 'n' for number or 's' for string (in second example).
var value = acjs_get_var[id]('name'); // read acjs_put_var[id]('name', value, type); // update
An example to update speed is:
acjs_put_var[id]('speed', 5, 'n');
Here are three examples of using direct access to make Javascript buttons for applying moves to the cube:

Demo 1 - duplicates the functionality of the buttonbar.
Demo 2 - applies moves with buttons and keyboard letters.
Demo 3 - applies moves to any cube position.

See more examples in the documentation for AnimCubeJS Direct Access, other examples of usage are in the Facelet Editor and the 2x2x2 Devil's algorithm.

Additional features can be implemented by modifying the AnimCubeJS program:

If you realize any problem you can contact Tadeáš Miler (he is a co-author of the AnimCubeJS documentation which is still heavily based on the original AnimCube documentation by Josef Jelínek) or you can file an issue to the AnimCubeJS repository on GitHub.

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